
5 Ways to Save Energy in the Office

Do you shake your head when paying your company’s power bill? Yes, business is expensive, and rates keep rising. General building costs, product manufacturing, paying employees, and handling benefits may all decrease your profit margin. The last thing you want to stress about is an unpredictable power bill.

You can start taking energy-efficient steps today that will save you money and be healthier for the places we live. We have some pointers for you if you need help getting started.

1. Before anything: run an energy audit

An energy audit is a hardcore analysis of your energy consumption. Its purpose is to find what is using the most energy in your workspace. Lighting? Heating? Internet? Whatever the culprit is, professional energy auditors will be able to tell you which operation or device costs you the most. The energy audit will include walk-through evaluations, testing for air tightness, and a list of recommendations for using energy more efficiently. You can find an energy auditor with the help of government energy offices.

2. Keep the heat inside

Insolation and airtightness are crucial to keeping a space temperature controlled. Imagine you are working in the wintertime and your office building is neither insolated nor airtight. In that case, more cold air would get in, and your heating system would have to work overtime to keep you and your employees comfortable. Additionally, the hot air would get out, creating the need for more heating. You’ll have to keep heating the building at a greater rate and for a longer time. And when heating increases, you end up paying more.

3. Use energy efficient lighting

Have you ever wondered what the deal with LED lighting is? Why are people excited about it, and why do people use it exclusively? According to, general lighting accounts for 17% of commercial electricity use. Enter light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Get this – LEDs may use up to 90% less energy than incandescent lightbulbs. Plus, they last up to 25 times as long! If you replace some of the light bulbs in your office with LEDs, it won’t be long until you see the financial benefits.

4. Sign up for Community Solar

In some states, local and state governments have community solar programs. These programs enable solar farm energy to be used in commercial buildings, residences, and neighborhoods. The best part? No solar panel installations are required for consumers. Solar energy is input into their energy supply, replacing a portion of their traditional electricity. Additionally, in some states, such as New York, that solar energy is discounted. So when consumers sign up, their solar supply and overall energy rate are less per kWh than the traditional electric or gas supply. Companies like Smarter Energy Services work to set small businesses up with this program.

5. Get a fixed rate

Most commercial consumers do not know they can have low and unchanging energy rates. But thanks to energy deregulation, you don’t have to rely on energy monopolies gouging your profit margins to power your office. Companies like Con Edison, National Grid, and the like regularly charge their customers variable costs. In other words, they change customers’ rates from bill to bill. That might sound unfair – but there are other options! Third-party energy companies are sometimes more than happy to give you the lowest fixed rate possible on your gas and electricity. GO Energy acts as the middleman in these situations, connecting commercial consumers to fixed rate options.
If you would like to inquire about a fixed energy rate in your area, fill out the form below or call us at 929-999-1872.